Dog Days Wiki

Eclair Martinozzi is a 14-year-old female knight of Biscotti Republic as well as the leader of the Biscotti Knights Praetorian Guards unit.

Name origin[]

In line with the naming practice of the series, Eclair (Ekurēru, French pronunciation) is named after the French pastry éclair.

She is also nicknamed Eclai (エクレ Ekure).


Eclair has short green hair and blue eyes. Her eyes are small compared to other people of her kingdom, has average-sized breasts, a pair of green ears that droop down, and a green tail.


She bears great admiration towards Millhiore and holds her with utmost respect. She is always troubled by Cinque's "ignorance of the ways of the world", and has a very serious attitude, albeit stubborn. In addition, she serves as the foil to Cinque, and is a tsundere towards him. A running gag is that she has an inferiority complex about her ears, as they are smaller in size and drooping down as compared to the other characters.



Lorrain Martinozzi is her elder brother, who is the leader of Biscotti Knights.

In season 2, Episode 8 Eclair kissed Cinque on the mouth by accident, that was her (and Cinque's) first kiss; it is later further shown that she has developed feelings for him, i.e. feelings of the love variety.

Yuki and Rico are two very close friends from her childhood. The three are present almost all the time together being Eclair's best friends.

Powers & Abilities[]

Eclair has been training as a knight since childhood, and is proficient in dual-sword wielding. She can also use a javelin as a weapon. In season 2, she has undergone training prior to Cinque's return, enough to amplify her bright power to manifest her own Bright Equipment

  • Skycracking Cutter (烈空一文字): Eclair slashes out an energy blast dealing damage to her opponents.
  • Skycracking Cross (列空十文字): Eclair fires off a cross-shaped energy blast towards the opponent(s) using her twin-swords.
  • Skycracking Double Cross (列空ダブル十文字): A combination move with Shinku Izumi, as they both simultaneously fire off their Skycracking Cross.
  • Bright Ice Sword (光輪剣): Eclair's Bright Equipment.
  • Light Fang Vortex (烈閃光牙): Based off D'Arquien's Divine Destruction Fang, Eclair lashes out an energy blast from her Bright Ice Sword, powerful enough to slay demons.




Image Gallery[]
